Fake teachers, we’re a bunch of assholes…

…and so are the ones hiring us.

We arrive in countries like Cambodia, where private schools are growing faster than mushrooms during the rainy season, when public system doesn’t guarantee access to quality education. Of course public system should work and allow kids to receive free and quality education, but thing is that parents pay when they can to send their children to private schools, where most of the time, you can’t even say it’s worth it. Not to mention that it obviously creates a bigger gap between kids according their parents’ financial resources.

Going back to « and it’s not even worth it », it’s often not indeed, because a lot of those teachers in these schools are actually not teachers. They are at best native English speakers who haven’t been trained to teach English, not to mention mathematics, history and so on. Or they’re light skin people speaking some English, but not native at all. Yes because as sad as it is, I think skin color means more to management and parents than actual skills. Long story short, management thinks more about getting money from parents knowing they’re obviously not giving kids quality education and prefer to fight all over the place through advertising that their school’s the best. Parents think that a white untrained guy’s more able to teach lessons to their kids than a Filipino actual teacher. THIS have to change, because private schools’ management is really glad to satisfy parents’ « needs » when this latest means to hire young unexperienced fake teachers who suck in front of a 20 kids class, who never protest when they find out – even though they probably knew it – that this system and their own work is complete bullshit but who shut the fuck up because… because of what? Because they are « teachers » and that’s nice to be seen as a teacher in those countries: you’re someone important, you’re doing a great job and most of the time, you’re making big money. Whereas guys… You’re just an asshole saying yes to what another asshole tells you because at best you have no idea why/how to protest, or you just don’t give a shit because you’re well paid and the rest doesn’t really count. Well, let me tell you something: go and play somewhere else, where the future of kids isn’t an issue and let private schools hire decent teachers because they won’t stop hiring us until we take our responsability for this.

I’ve been one of this teachers and I’m not proud of it… not anymore. And maybe it’s the worst part: that for some time I’ve been proud of it, thinking I was doing right whereas this might be one of the biggest mistake I’ve professionally and humanly made… At least it’s never too late to wake up and change.

Kiddoes deserve far better than this whole bunch of assholes they are surronded by.

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